Well, I just wanted to share what I know about home DIYs, based on my experience from doing them myself, but I haven't got time to organize my thoughts yet. I have a number of books to finish, and while doing that, when the thought comes, then I will drop them all here, so it doesn't wait until I'm done with my book reading.
I don't think the books will go away. I've committed to reading books as part of my personal development, but that doesn't mean I will not have time to write posts, especially that I know they will help others, one way or another.
So with this first post, I hope I have the started to roll the ball.
Help me keep it rolling. If you have anything in mind about home DIY, drop me a comment. If I don't know it myself, I will find people who does. Usually a book or magazine or some other articles are second references - they may spell out the process, but not the experience.
That is where all the world of difference lies.
Till then.